Stories from the Trail
Current Stories
Matthew Meadows’s Walk: Barrie to Anchorage. By Trail. By Road. By Foot – He invites you to follow his adventures blog.
Canada 150 Trail Experiences: The Fabulous High Rockies Trail in K-Country.
Canada 150 Trail Experiences: Explore Alberta’s Iron Horse Trail.
Travel – ‘A 518km ice-road across the tundra’ by ATN Director Debbie Olsen – Link The first paths into Fort Chipewyan were forged by dog sleds. Life moved slowly then, but the creation of an ice road changed everything.
Discover the Goat Creek Trail by Andrew Penner – Link
Follow Michael Haynes on twitter travelling the Great Trail across Canada.
Visit and follow Sheila Thompson’s (ATN Board member) blog at tctsummertour.wordpress.com 2016 Trans Canada Trail The Four Gateways Tour.
Visit Sarah Jackson’s blog and follow her progress hiking the Trans Canada Trail. Logging over 3000 kms and 373 days, she has walked British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and is moving eastward…https://sarahrosedaily.wordpress.com/
Amusing musings about Edmonton’s beloved river valley. http://www.rivervalley.ab.ca/2014/theres-more-than-one-way-to-cross-a-river/
Tell us your story! Alberta TrailNet is interested in receiving news, stories and photos related to trails and trail happenings in Alberta. If you are working on a new trail project, are seeking volunteers or hosting a trail activity, or have other news you would like to share through our website, please contact our office at 780-422-7150, 1-877-987-2457 or email atnadmin@telus.net. Please note: if you are sending a photo, please include a caption identifying the trail, what natural feature or wildlife is shown, and the people in the photo, and include a signed “consent for photo use” form from all people shown in the photo.